Tue, 05/01/2007 - 8:14pm — Chris McMahon
In case you already forgot, I mentioned the other day that Endo1 was badly injured at Hayward on Friday. Although Daniel Porter made aware of the damages done2 the other night, I was not aware of just how much his surgeries would cost. The amount is very high; probably more than some of us on here will ever make in a year, if what I've been told is correct. For that reason, Nick Valencia, with the help of Knight, Psykopath, and New Era have set up a PayPal account for donations to Endo, which you can access here. All of the aforementioned companies are ready and willing to give out product; Psykopath is throwing down an '07 frame for whoever donates the most, as well as a DVD for anyone who donates more than ten dollars. If you have any questions about sending donations or about Endo's condition, send an email to Nick Valencia at dawgincnorcal@aol.com.
1Omar Romero, to those of you that haven't met him.2I've been told to not say what the injuries are, for personal reasons; that's not to say that they aren't bad, though. It's far worse than what most of us have been through, and this is coming from a guy who's snapped his arm in half and has knocked out his teeth on two separate occasions.
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