This weekends video shoot was a huge sucess, the video location in Oakland was at a Park which quickly became full of local youths. More youths have lost there lifes to guns in the Bay Area than in the Iraq War this year. There is a War here in our community. Arthur Renowitzky has started a non-profit foundation to raise awareness against gun violence, and make a movement from his personal story. His music video and music is about not taking a young person's shine through gun violence. Arthur was one of the first riders for Psykopath and played many sports before a criminal shot him. Look out for AR's music video and his new motivation mixtape release. check AR @ www.myspace.com/realar

Winner of this weekends scraper bike rider, Eric was throwing down with this piece of metal doing 360 on flat, psykopath will definitely hook this kid up with a street bike

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